CNA's Jeremy Koh goes to Ukraine and sees first-hand how its people get on with life as the war with Russia rages on.
We were making our way back to the hotel after a long day of filming, and the mood was jovial and relaxed.
But fortunately, it came through the day we touched down in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, and we headed to the Ukrainian consulate in the city to process our visa. So for their safety, she has sent her three children aged between 10 and 23 to live in Barcelona, Spain, though she and her husband are staying put in Kyiv.
“We don’t want anything to do with them anymore. They can stay on their side, and we will stay on ours,” he said.WAR OF ATTRITION But Ukraine’s central bank predicts GDP will grow by 0.3 per cent this year, while the economy ministry forecasts 3.2 per cent growth.One of the many homes destroyed by bombs in Ukraine. Bucha lies just a 40 minute drive away from Kyiv in smooth traffic, and it was one of the first towns seized by Russian forces in their advance towards the capital.