LAVAL, Que. — It was just before 8:30 a.m. Wednesday when Andre Beaudoin pulled into the parking lot to bring his two\u002Dyear\u002Dold son to daycare. The Garderie…
The sound of an engine revving was Beaudoin’s first signal that something wasn’t right. He looked up and saw a city bus barrelling down the driveway before it smashed into the front of the daycare, into the room where the oldest children — the four- and five-year-olds — gather.Sign up to receive daily headline news from Ottawa Citizen, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.By clicking on the sign up button you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc.
Beaudoin began pushing through concrete and debris from the walls and partly collapsed ceiling and pulling injured children from under the bus in a scene he would later describe as “the worst thing in the world.”Article content Police and ambulances began to arrive on the scene within minutes of the crash. Ginette Lamoureux, a neighbour who rushed over with her husband, described a scene of chaos, as children cried and a panicked mother collapsed on the floor.Article content
Police quickly blocked off Terrasse Dufferin, which became flooded with dozens of ambulances, police cars and firefighters. Some officers broke down in tears when they saw what had happened, Laval’s police chief would later say.Article content