Breaking CBC News is projecting that Wilson Lo will be elected in Barrhaven East OttawaElection ottnews ottvote
Posted: Oct 24, 2022 10:46 PM ET | Last Updated: 22 minutes ago
Wilson Lo, projected to be the first ever councillor in the new ward of Barrhaven East, celebrated his victory at the Heart & Crown.Safety engineer Guy Boone; investment manager Patrick Brennan; retired financial consultant Kathleen Caught; teacher Richard Garrick; volunteer Dominik Janelle; city communications officer Wilson Lo; and Atiq Qureshi, a manager at a tax firm, were all hoping to become the suburban ward's first council representative.
Lo's priorities included widening Greenbank Road and Prince of Wales Drive in the Greenbelt and upgrading/adding pathways there, restructuring transit service, and making collector streets safer. Boone's priorities included Phase 3 of LRT to west Ottawa, community centres and recreation facilities, and smarter traffic signals.Garrick's priorities included Phase 3 of LRT, improving transit service overall, and reducing speeding, dangerous driving, noise and other crime.