Music stars Olivia Rodrigo and David Guetta, football clubs Manchester City and Liverpool, and Meta's chief executive Mark Zuckerberg are among the high-profile accounts with their own WhatsApp 'channel'.
Channels are separate from chats within WhatsApp, and behave similarly to news feeds on other social platforms.
When you tap into an update on your feed, channels will look much like a normal WhatsApp chat - but you will only have the option to respond to posts with emoji reactions rather than message back.Users can search for accounts they might like to follow, and channel owners will also be able to invite people to join using direct links.
Channels can also opt out of being findable via search, and posts are automatically deleted after 30 days.Image:It comes just a few months after the company launcheda more egregious Twitter clone which surged to more than 100 million users faster than any app in historyAdoption and engagement on the platform has slowed massively since, despite the addition of much-demanded features like searching for topics and a web client.