If someone in your home tests positive for Covid, here's what experts say to do.
DIY air cleaners work as well or better than ones from the store. It's possible to make your own with a box fan, four filters, and duct tape.Liz Szabo, Kaiser Health NewsNow, despite those efforts, you, your child, or someone else in your home has come down with Covid-19. And the last thing you want is for the virus to spread to everyone in the family or household.
“For parents of a young child, it’s pretty difficult not to be exposed,” said Dr. Preeti Malani, chief health officer at the University of Michigan. “You have to work back from the perfect to the possible and manage your risk the best you can.” To understand why good ventilation can make a difference, it helps to understand how the novel coronavirus spreads. Scientists have learned a lot in two years about its infectious mechanisms.