Planet 13’s cannabis “superstore” on the Strip has 30,000 square feet of retail space alongside a cafe, a bar and a marijuana processing center, all behind a glass wall where customers can see the various contraptions used for making cannabis products.
The masses of tourists buying cannabis products at Planet 13 have almost nowhere to smoke it legally — not on the sidewalk and not in their hotel rooms. That will soon change. | Courtesy of Planet 13LAS VEGAS — In a city where tourists light up cigarettes on casino floors and stumble out of bars carrying
That will soon change. Nevada is the latest state to allow cannabis consumption lounges as the drug gains mainstream acceptance. As regulators grapple with how to oversee the businesses, dispensaries are already making plans to open the first state-sanctioned lounges by mid-2022. Planet 13’s cannabis lounge will have no shortage of Vegas-style excess. The company is planning an 8,500-square-foot consumption lounge, complete with a “grand staircase” leading up to a 5,000-square-foot balcony that will have a 4-inch-deep splash pool.
So far, no major U.S. city in any weed-legal state has emerged as an Amsterdam-like destination where consumers can freely light up in ubiquitous cannabis cafes.The Planet 13’s cannabis “superstore” is pictured. | Courtesy of Planet 13