We went for waffles at one of Lancashire's most haunted halls and swear we heard a ghost
It’s a brisk afternoon under a slate grey sky when I step onto the crunchy gravel at Samlesbury Hall.
Actually, I’m rather glad. I’m such a wimp, I’m not sure I’m quite ready for a full on Most Haunted experience just yet, even though the place is reputedly one of Lancashire’s spookiest destinations. Yet the village of Samlesbury itself is no stranger to haunted happenings, as it is said to have been home to the three women tried as ‘Samlesbury witches’ just after the Pendle witch trials. Thankfully, unlike their unfortunate Pendle counterparts, the Samlesbury witches lived to tell the tale.
It’s a light waffle that’s literally oozing with hot red berries, and set off with a scoop of cool ice cream. I don’t even try to kid myself this time that I will ‘only eat half,’ as on previous occasions. I polish the lot off in little under 15 minutes, to the somewhat surprised glances of fellow customers.