The father desperately tried to lift the raft — but his shoulder had been broken in the crash (via toofab)
But the alarm in their voices quickly rises as they pass the overturned craft and they hear the distressed cries of the couple desperately trying to free their children trapped underneath.The boys' father David tried to lift the craft but couldn't, having broken his shoulder in the crash."You could see the kids' little hands, and they were just trying to reach for us to help them, and I was was so bad, I didn't know what to do, they were drowning upside-down.
Michael Jaramillo and his big brother David were aboard the Raging River at Adventureland Park in Des Moines on Saturday when their raft flipped over, trapping them beneath. The siblings had boarded the ride along with their parents, little brother Gus, and cousin Mila. The other four managed to escape, but the two brothers could not free themselves from their seatbelts, and were pinned underwater.