Monica says her appreciation for skulls and skeletons began when he was 13 years old. Now there are more than 275 decorative skulls in her home, including skull paintings on the wall, skeletal salt-and-pepper shakers on the dining room table, skull-adorned coffee cups in the kitchen, and a coffin-shaped skeleton clock in the living room.
Despite being bejewelled with all sorts of sparkling bones, Monica is not about to celebrate Halloween early.
Monica says there are more than 275 decorative skulls featured in her home, including skull paintings on the wall, skeletal salt-and-pepper shakers on the dining room table, skull-adorned coffee cups in the kitchen, and a coffin-shaped skeleton clock in the living room. And if you don’t know, Weekend at Bernie’s is a 1989 comedy about two guys pretending a corpse is actually alive.
“She sat in the back seat for a while,” Monica says. “And then I thought, ‘No. I’ll pull her up to the front.’”