The incorporation process has been full of skirmishes, including lawsuits, delays, annexation attempts and alleged actions from Tooele County officials to “intentionally harm Erda citizens” at the benefit of land developers, according to a judge.
The judge further noted that the evidence presented in the case was “appalling.” She found Houghton’s failure to review the map helped facilitate a lawsuit filed by owners of the Skywalk business park development, who oppose their property’s inclusion into Erda. Because the plat map could not be included in the Dec. 16 submission to the lieutenant governor, both the developers and Tooele County’s attorneys argued the entire incorporation was moot.
Gibson also called Houghton’s fee “unreasonable” by $114,000 and called the county attorney’s threatened bar complaint “shocking.” The judge gave Houghton fewer than 24 hours to review Erda’s map and resolve any issues, allowing the city’s sponsors to meet their Jan. 3 deadline with the lieutenant governor.