The World Health Organization listed the mutated virus, now named Omicron, as a “variant of concern” Friday
as a growing list of nations moved to block travel from the region. Countries across Europe halted air travel from Southern Africa earlier in the day, as did Canada.“As we move forward, we will continue to be guided by what the science and my medical team advises,” Biden said in a statement. “The news about this new variant should make clearer than ever why this pandemic will not end until we have global vaccinations.
Anthony Fauci, one of Biden’s top health advisers, said earlier Friday that officials would act after reviewing scientific data with counterparts in SA. Biden said he made the decision after a briefing by Fauci and members of his Covid-19 response team. Biden also called on other nations to step up donations of vaccines and for a World Trade Organization ministerial meeting next week “to waive intellectual property protections for Covid-19 vaccines, so these vaccines can be manufactured globally.”
It’s not clear how significant a new US ban on flights from Southern Africa would be in itself. There are only a handful of direct flights between the US and SA. The overall market between that region of Africa and the US is also relatively small compared to domestic travel and other international destinations, such as Europe.