Ukraine War Leads to Largest Ever Spike in DDoS Attacks - Kaspersky -According to Russian cybersecurity group Kasperksy, compared to Q1 2021, the number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in... -
According to Russian cybersecurity group Kasperksy, compared to Q1 2021, the number of Distributed Denial of Service attacks in Q1 2022 rose 4.5 times with a considerable number of the attacks likely to be the result of hacktivist being investigatedThe firm continues that the attacks also showed an unprecedented duration for DDoS sessions, particularly those aimed at state resources and banks. Further information has been included in a report issued by Kaspersky.
The amount of “smart” or advanced and targeted attacks also showed a notable growth of 81% compared to the previous record from Q4 2021. The attacks were not only performed at scale but were also innovative.Examples include a site mimicking the popular 2048 puzzle game to gamify DDoS attacks on Russian websites, and a call to build a volunteer IT army in order to facilitate cyberattacks.
A comparative number of DDoS attacks: Q1 2022 and Q4 2021 as well as Q1 2021. Data for Q1 2021 is taken as 100%