This 31-year-old travel blogger lives in France on $53 a day—here's how she spends her money (via CNBCMakeIt)
"When I was little, I was always that person who excelled in everything that I did," Irvin, 31, tells CNBC Make It. "In school, I had straight A's the entire time, I had leadership positions … I kind of was always in this mind trap that I want to get a really high-paying job and kind of follow what my parents did, they worked in New York City on Wall Street."
That one year turned into two, then three, and now Irvin lives in Rennes, France as a full-time travel blogger and digital nomad. Her travel blog,has nearly 15,000 followers on Instagram and serves as Irvin's main source of income. She lives with her boyfriend, Alex, as he completes his master's program at the EIT Digital Master School in Rennes. The pair met in 2018 while working on a boat together in Croatia.
As a travel blogger, Irvin makes money through multiple avenues, though brand collaborations, where Irvin promotes products, companies or other things on her platform, have been her focus. Irvin estimates she's paid between $300-$2,000 per collaboration, and she receives that money via bank transfer or her PayPal business account.