Cashiers be warned: when I’m 70, I’ll be that mkhulu demanding to speak to the manager because you didn't give me my 5c change, writes NdumisoNgcobo
Cashiers be warned: when I’m 70, I’ll be that mkhulu demanding to speak to the manager because you didn't give me my 5c changeDear reader, how petty are you? On a scale of 1 to 10, say? After careful consideration, I think I’m about a 25.
In 1993, I was waiting for a Mynah bus on Durban’s Gillespie Road. A fellow I know called Ambrose Nkomo approached me and told me he was feeling hungry. I fished out a R5 note from my bag and asked him to get us a large packet of fries...A subscription gives you full digital access to all Sunday Times content.Registered on the BusinessLIVE, Business Day or Financial Mail websites? Sign in with the same details.