According to the court record, the YU Pride Alliance sued the university last year after the school refused to officially recognize the student group on the grounds that it conflicted with the school's interpretation of the Torah.
People walk by the campus of Yeshiva University in New York City on Aug. 30. A Supreme Court ruling left in place a New York state court ruling requiring the university to recognize the YU Pride Alliance.
Justice Samuel Alito wrote,"The First Amendment guarantees the right to the free exercise of religion, and if that provision means anything, it prohibits a State from enforcing its own preferred interpretation of Holy Scripture. Yet that is exactly what New York has done in this case, and it is disappointing that a majority of this Court refuses to provide relief.
Katie Rosenfeld, an attorney for the YU Pride Alliance, said the ruling was a victory for Yeshiva University students and praised the Supreme Court for sending the case back to state court. "At the end of the day, Yeshiva University students will have a club for peer support this year, and the sky is not going to fall down. No longer will students be denied a safe and supportive space on campus to be together," she added.