Garbage's Shirley Manson on fighting the patriarchy, how Patti Smith inspires her, why she's not worried about her legacy, and more.
, she grapples with racial injustice, climate change, the patriarchy, and her own self-worth. But as weighty as the subject matter is, she approaches each song in her own uniquely uplifting way.
It’s very rare for other women to see examples of women actually working still in their seventies. That, to me, is really thrilling and really inspiring, and it fills me with hope. At times when you come up against the ageism, sexism, and misogyny that exists in our culture, I always try and picture Patti in my mind’s eye, and it always brings me back to center, like, “OK, adhere to your own rules. Design your own life. Be your own architect.
You once said that the idea of legacy was a masculine construct that you don’t believe in. Do you still feel that way?