We know it’s coming, but is it likely to happen soon?🧠⚡
This law is essentially a generalization of Moore's Law and states that the rate of growth in technological systems increases exponentially over time. He further cited how an exponential increase in technologies like computing, genetics, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence would culminate and lead to a new era of superintelligence.
To see these trends at work, futurists and speculative thinkers generally point to examples of major innovations from human history, oftentimes focusing on technologies that have made the way we convey and consume information exponentially faster. In all cases, the purpose is to show how the time lag between innovations keeps getting shorter.One key school of thought has to do with the way data is shared, which is also known as".
The next major innovation emerged during Neolithic times - ca. 9,000 BCE - in the form of symbols that resemble physical objects . As of around 5,500 years ago, this gave way to ideograms, writing symbols that convey concepts rather than objects.