After a successful pilot in Pretoria and Johannesburg, Uber’s new opt-in Audio Recording feature has officially been rolled out across South Africa effective 1 December 2022. This feature allows riders and drivers to record audio while they are on a ...
During the pilot period, over 3 400 drivers and 80 000 riders who use the Uber app set up the feature. Where there has been a safety incident and either the rider or driver has submitted the recorded audio to Uber, Uber’s safety team has been able to efficiently carry out and conclude more in-depth and fair evidence-based outcomes in an investigation that could have otherwise dragged on due to a ‘he said, she said’ scenario.
The Audio Recording feature follows the recent launch of Safety Check-Up, a feature that encourages riders to utilise and turn on the safety features available in-app, including Trusted Contacts, Verify My Ride and RideCheck.