'It’s an energizing and participatory homage to the Black church experience, which as the cast shares, 'ain’t no ‘I’m just gonna sit here and listen kind of place.'' | MJOberlander
Black Ensemble Theater’s first play back since the pandemic, an original from founder Jackie Taylor , is exactly what the title states—an out-of-body, communal experience that creates the physical “togetherness” we’ve missed for so long. It’s an energizing and participatory homage to the Black church experience, which as the cast shares, “ain’t no ‘I’m just gonna sit here and listen kind of place.
Clark, 773-769-4451,This 90-minute one act is also praiseworthy for its “big tent” approach to faith and religion, noted in its subtitle, “Welcome to The Church of You.” While God and Jesus are referenced, the cast frequently reminds us that no matter what we believe in, “what we have in common is we all need healing.” Between songs, issues frequently ignored in religious settings, from racism to mental health to domestic abuse, are addressed openly and compassionately.