Private Lawyers Assisting With Zimbabwe Work Permit Backlogs - South African News... allafrica: SouthAfrica HomeAffairs legal ZEP WorkPermits RandWater waterpipes maintenance Northwestprovince electiveconference ANC
The future of thousands of Zimbabweans hangs in the balance as their exemption permits expire in December 2022. Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has said the department hired private lawyers to address backlogs in work permit applications, reports. The exemption permit was introduced in 2009, and in November 2021 the government announced the decision to discontinue the permit by December 2022.
To acquire a work permit in South Africa, Zimbabweans will have to prove that they possess a special skill, or they will have to apply for an exemption from the labour department.The maintenance of pipes is ahead of schedule, Rand Water has announced. The water outage is scheduled to end on Saturday August 13, 2022 at 10pm.