The text is easily available but still half-truths and misinformation bedevil voters’ understanding of it
A slogan is seen as a citizen receives a copy of the proposed new Chilean constitution ahead of the upcoming September 4th constitutional referendum, outside the government palace in Santiago, Chile on August 19 2022. Picture: REUTERS/IVAN ALVARADO A Chilean constitution that bans private property and allows abortions in the ninth month of a pregnancy. Private companies counting votes. A flood of prisoners and recent migrants allowed to vote in the upcoming constitutional referendum.
The proposed constitution, written by predominantly independent and progressive elected constituents, is easily available on the streets, online, or in a podcast format. Focusing on social rights and the environment, it is a sharp shift from the current market-orientated constitution that dates back to the Augusto Pinochet era.
Valenzuela said it is hard to quantify what effect misinformation has on polls, but 65% of respondents reported encountering misinformation in the last week of July. This leads to consultations with legal experts and longer verification times. “It hurts us a lot when there’s a fact check that takes us days and we know that just one day more means millions and millions more visits,” Padilla said.
A Twitter spokesperson said, “We provided [Servel] with a training session on Twitter Rules while having an open and constant communication with them,” Meta says it activated a rapid-response team on Facebook and Instagram to identify violations, is working with fact checkers including Fast Check CL, and limits the reach of posts found to be misleading.