We've rounded up the week in charts
in the Americas argues, there is still a distinction to be drawn: between radicals who think America needs thorough restructuring and those who think only running repairs are needed . With unemployment at a 50-year low and Americans optimistic about their finances, this is not a time for revolution. Instead repairs, such as cheaper housing and health care, are what America needs..
Thuringia provides the most extreme consequence yet of Germany’s political fragmentation. In the 1970s the two main centre-left and centre-right parties scooped over 90% of the national vote; polls say they now muster barely 40%. Almost half of the 16 states are run by three-party coalitions; all told, there are 13 different governing combinations.is in peril. Political unrest has already battered it: GDP shrank by 2.9%, year on year, in the last quarter of 2019.