NEW: Prince Harry releases statement in memory of his 'Granny.' 'Thank you for your infectious smile. We, too, smile knowing that you and grandpa are reunited now, and both together in peace.' Read more:
Prince Harry released a statement Monday celebrating the life of his grandmother and honoring her"unwavering grace and dignity."
"Granny, while this final parting brings us great sadness, I am forever grateful for all of our first meetings — from my earliest childhood memories with you, to meeting you for the first time as my Commander-in-Chief, to the first moment you met my darling wife and hugged your beloved great grandchildren," the statement later continued."I cherish these times shared with you, and the many other special moments in between.
Social media pages for Clarence House, the London residence of the now-former Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, were updated with the message:"This account is no longer being updated.for updates on His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty The Queen Consort."