Use these five ADHD-friendly kitchen organization ideas to help you feel less stressed about cooking and more empowered to make healthy decisions.
purging before prepping for a new organizing system
. Toss anything that’s broken, chipped, expired, or missing parts. These items rob you of valuable kitchen space and make it much harder to see and access what you truly use. Donate gently used small appliances, gadgets, and surplus items you no longer like, need, or want. Your kitchen will feel instantly lighter!. Menu planning is one of the essential ingredients for a successful weight loss plan. Create a space in the kitchen to post grocery lists and menu plans for the week.
The more you plan, the less likely you’ll be caught off guard when it’s dinnertime and more likely you will be to make healthier choices.Most people put away their groceries wherever they can find room. But I want you to think like a librarian whenpantry and cabinets. For example, all romance novels are shelved together in a library, while travel books are in a separate section. Use the same technique in your kitchen and group related items by use and not by fit.
Here’s my favorite tip: Most of us hide our most nutritious foods — fruits and vegetables — in the refrigerator drawers. Out of sight, out of mind! I switch mine up. I store my less-than-nutritious food in those bins and place cut-up veggies, sliced fruit, hummus packs, yogurt containers, and the like at eye level. This way, I’m more apt to grab them when I open the refrigerator door.
Don’t forget about your countertops. If you are storing food on them , fill storage containers with healthy and nutritious snacks. Remember, we tend to eat what we see.Don’t make food prep difficult for yourself by hiding ingredients in opaque containers. Instead, load the refrigerator and pantry and line countertops with transparent canisters to see what’s inside. My mantra is that if you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist!Regularly assess your organizational systems.