“Applying to college is a master class in organizing materials, managing time, and processing information. Many high school seniors, especially those with attention deficits, need support and scaffolding to get through the process.”
is busy. Soon your daughter will be juggling homework, activities and clubs, a part-time job, college entrance exams, applications, campus visits, and so much more. You’re wise to use the less-hectic summer months to prepare. Anything you can get done before Fall — will help your daughter feel less overwhelmed and more organized as she begins the new school year.in high school.I can’t stress this enough.
This is one of my favorite tips! Suggest that your daughter includes a row underneath her listed subjects for “College.” So, she should tackle this row the same way. Instead of listing her homework and tests, this row will include her plan for essay writing, entrance exam studying, application due dates, and dates for college visits.We want your daughter to establish realistic plans for completing applications, essays, forms, etc.