You might not know his face, but you'd know his voice.
Since he started Food Wishes in 2007, Mitzewich has made a successful career for himself by keeping things simple. His videos focus solely on the food, accompanied by a jaunty voice-over. But sometimes, simple is best.called him “the Julia Child of our time.”When I met Mitzewich on a sunny Friday afternoon at his favorite brewery in Sebastopol, I was very curious if he’d sound the same as he does in his videos.“Hello, this is Chef John, from Foodwishes.
He ends the hypnosis with another sing-songy catchphrase at the end of each video: “And as always, enjooooy.” “[My mom’s] side is Italian,” he said. “So I was always at the stove stirring the sauce, trying to sneak a taste and help with the meatballs.”