OPINION | President Cyril Ramaphosa is in trouble, of that there is no doubt. But how much do his travails really matter in the bigger scheme of things, given that 2024 is quickly coming at us? asks PieterDuToit
President Cyril Ramaphosa is in trouble, of that there is no doubt. But how much do his travails really matter in the bigger scheme of things, given that 2024 is quickly coming at us? asksPresident Cyril Ramaphosa is in trouble, of that there is no doubt. His supporters – and there are many – maintain that the accusations against him should be taken from whence it comes.
But that does not mitigate against the questions Ramaphosa has yet to answer. How much money was stolen? On what transactions was the money earned? Did Ramaphosa follow up on any investigation after the theft? And was a criminal case – for which a CAS number must have been registered – ever opened? These are all central questions which the president could quite easily answer in public, without compromising any ongoing investigation. That he has chosen not to do so, is deeply problematic.