The ranked Trojans take on the Wildcats for homecoming at Arizona Stadium, October 29, 2022.
Jake Brandt is more interested in his food than the Florida/Georgia game as uses an actual tailgate to tailgate with family and friends before the kick-off of Arizona/USC at Arizona Stadium, Tucson, Ariz., October 29, 2022. The Trojan game was this year's homecoming as well.
Tenor drummer Bob Kruse is in full Halloween spirit as he and the University of Arizona Alumni Band play on the mall in the tailgating area before kick-off of Arizona against USC at Arizona Stadium, Tucson, Ariz., October 29, 2022.A twelve-foot skeleton outside the Northwest Fire District Local #3572's tent draws second looks from passersby in the tailgate area on the mall before Arizona takes on USC at Arizona Stadium, Tucson, Ariz., October 29, 2022.