PHOTOS: The Colfax Marathon returned to its traditional spring outing Sunday in City Park. The city’s largest running event attracted an estimated 11,000 in the marathon, half-marathon, 10-miler and marathon relay.
Runner Sarah Villasenor celebrates as she wins the women's marathon in the Denver Colfax marathon on May 15, 2022 in Denver, Colorado. Villasenor won with a time of 3:02:51.86. The 16th annual Denver Colfax Marathon kicked off under perfect conditions for racers and walkers competing in the half marathon, marathon and Urban 10 miler at City Park. The Denver Colfax marathon is the city's only marathon and has always been known for its spectacular scenery and unique entertainment.
Runners take off from the starting line in the Denver Colfax half marathon on May 15, 2022 in Denver.Lincoln Vohland, 2, holds a sign up for his mother Julia who was running in the half marathon in the Denver Colfax marathon race on May 15, 2022 in Denver.Ashley Bonham, holding her daughter Lily, 1, cheers for her husband Mateyo as he crosses the finish line after competing in the half marathon in the Denver Colfax marathon race on May 15, 2022 in Denver.