“I worked 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. with two random days off during the week.”
chimed in with their own examples of highly desired jobs that can often times cause misery. Here are some of the most surprising responses:"Working at a nightclub is fucking awful! The bottle girls are so mean, and the owners always are too. It's hard to work around people who just wanna get drunk all day.""Hair stylist. You're only paid when you work, people often don't like what you did to their hair, and you are on your feet all day.
to write it all. When I started, I worked 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. with two random days off during the week.""Public health professionals! Everybody wants you to work for free initially, and then when you finally have experience, you get paid $60K...And that's despite having 2–3 masters degrees, years of experience, and a truck load of debt.