Indiana Senate Republicans are introducing a bill Monday that will block most abortions in the state, with a few exceptions.
HIGHLAND, Ind. -- Hours from now, Indiana lawmakers are expected to discuss plans to tighten the state's abortion laws.
Where Ridge and Indianapolis Boulevard meet was a resounding cry heard from the corner that easily spread to those in traffic. "This is a right that all women should be granted, whether Republicans, like it or not, added fellow abortion-rights advocate Katelin Sears.lawmakers in Indiana are expected to meet for a special session to debate tighter abortion lawsSenate Republicans are introducing a bill that will block most abortions in the state, unless it's to prevent a substantial permanent impairment of life or if the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest.
"This legislation allows for late-term abortions to continue in the State of Indiana, including partial-birth abortions," Fichter said.