.PSchwarzenegger's latest role in the hbomax thriller TheStaircase has the feel of a turning point for the 28-year-old. He got on a call with his costar danedehaan to talk about his plans to take over the world.
Growing up around some of the most famous movie sets in the world, it’s unsurprising that Patrick Schwarzenegger is about a decade deep into an acting career of his own. His latest role, as the son of a suspected killer in the HBO Max true crime thriller, has the feel of a turning point for the 28-year-old, kicking off a string of meatier, high-profile roles in prestige-y projects like the upcoming spinoff to Amazon’s wildly popular superhero redux.
DEHAAN: Wow. I think one of the things that has always impressed me about you is that you do understand that side of the business really well. And you’re an amazing entrepreneur. We would share a trailer and I’d hear you taking business phone calls.DEHAAN: No, you weren’t at all! I’m such a singularly focused person—I feel like the only thing I know how to do and could make a living on is acting. But you’re really such an impressive business person.
DEHAAN: Can you draw any similarities between acting and being an entrepreneur or are they two completely separate things for you? DEHAAN: Sure. So, when I think about you, I think you’re someone who’s not afraid to do what makes you happy. And that’s a really beautiful thing about you as a person. Do you have any mottoes you try to live by that help you achieve that? How did you come to live a life where you can so unjudgementally seek your own happiness?
DEHAAN: Yeah, fashion’s been a big part of my life. You know how they have the senior superlatives that you vote for in high school? I was voted best-dressed.SCHWARZENEGGER: Yeah. I got most likely to appear onSCHWARZENEGGER: [Laughs] No, I don’t think so.