'Under the circumstances, it was inevitable that, sooner or later, the [United States'] continued pursuit of full-spectrum dominance would produce a new cold war, as certain American experts predicted, and some seemed to desire.'
. With Russian tanks now rolling through Ukraine, you can bet your bottom dollar that $800 billion will be the floor, not the ceiling for that future budget and the Pentagon's 2023 demands from Congress. This country, we're once again hearing, is to be the arsenal of democracy . But count on this: if you're not careful an arsenal of democracy can easily enough devolve into little more than an arsenal. And that time, I suspect, is now.
Again, Russia remains a distinctly regional power, while the United States still fancies itself to be the last remaining superpower on planet Earth. No other country comes close to the scale of our global ambitions . In other words, in this century, when it came to our military, the world was not enough. All realms were to be under its command: land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace.