I will vote in person in the runoff and I will vote unhappy with those who have created...
Dr Peter Hotez and Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi pose for a portrait in the Debakey Library and Museum at Baylor College of Medicine Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022 in Houston. Vaccine crusaders, Hotez and Dr. Bottazzi have been nominated for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize by Rep. Lizzie Fletcher. The pair has spent the past two years creating Corbevax, an inexpensive and easy-to-produce COVID-19 vaccine that does not require refrigeration.
,” : With another wave of COVID-19 infections threatening to head our way just as we were beginning to breathe a sigh of relief, I find the Senate’s decision to cut funding for the COVID-19 global vaccination effort to be short-sighted. COVID-19 doesn’t recognize national boundaries, and to be truly safe in our home country, the U.S. must step up to ensure that COVID-19 is controlled in every nation.
Billions of people remain unvaccinated. Assuring wide distribution of affordable and effective vaccines such as Corbevax, developed by the team at Texas Children’s Hospital led by Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi, can save millions of lives. As Dr. Hotez reminds us, big projects like vaccinating the world only get done when the U.S. takes the lead. We must fight COVID-19 everywhere in order to win the fight at home once and for all. This pandemic is truly a case where we can and must help ourselves by helping others.