This op-ed was written in 2018, but the sentiment remains.
Hiring veterans, I believe, is one of the best investments an employer in any industry can make.
For our cannabis security business operations, the “transferable skills” of those who have served in the military are valuable assets. The job requires loyalty, integrity and the training to safely carry and use a weapon — if need be. It requires the ability to de-escalate a potentially harmful situation and the fortitude to see a mission through to completion, no matter what external circumstances may arise.
We know how to make the most of limited time and resources. We understand priorities and are able to discern which parts of a project are “mission critical.” We are willing to be coached. We are primed for whatever training is thrown at us and know the importance of gaining experience in the field. During our service, we learned how to use the most modern technology, from advanced computers to communications equipment.Veterans bring another key quality to the table: A task-oriented mentality.
Despite the many advantages veterans bring to the workplace, there is a disconnect on the job front. According to government estimates, in 2017 there were at least 370,000 unemployed veterans, 60 percent of whom are aged 25 to 54. The nonprofitreports nearly 40,000 veterans are homeless on any given night, and shockingly, another 1.