Old Mutual has applied to the court to dismiss Peter Moyo's case, saying he's repeating the same argument rejected by a full court in 2020. | Fin24
Old Mutual has applied to the court to dismiss Peter Moyo's case. But Dali Mpofu says this is a tactical manoeuvre on Old Mutual's part to avoid calling Trevor Manuel taking to the stand.'s case for damages. It says he's going in circles, repeating arguments that have already been rejected by the court before.
Moyo, fired in June 2019, is suing the company for R250 million. Despite a full bench court ruling in 2020 that his dismissal was lawful, Moyo still contends it wasn't. He's also suing for"insults" he says the company and its directors threw at him when it published statements and conducted media interviews saying he contravened his fiduciary duties to Old Mutual.Subscribe to News24 for just R75 per month to read all our investigative and in-depth journalism. You can cancel any time.