There is nothing lovelier than the feel – and smell – of your newborn’s soft skin. So, if it starts appearing flaky or you notice your newborn's skin peeling it can be worrying
. A lot of rashes that appear on your baby’s skin are irritations from their new surroundings, they can even develop from someone holding them who is wearing perfume.
These problems tend to self-soothe and disappear within a few days – it’s just your baby getting used to the outside world. Of course, if anything remains and seems really angry then visit your doctor.If peeling skin comes with irritation and red dry patches of skin, it could be a sign of eczema or atopic dermatitis. This is rare in newborns, but could develop a few months after birth.
The NHS advice is "It's best to bath your baby with plain water only for at least the first month. Do not add cleansers to your baby's bath water or use skin lotions or medicated wipes." You can bath your baby two or three times a week but there is no need to use baby products or shampoo. Your newborn doesn’t require the same level of washing that you do. When you do start using shampoos and bubble bath just remember less is more.There is no need to separate your baby’s washing from yours, as your baby will have built up a tolerance to whatever washing detergent you use while in the womb.
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