By adhering to ISO's internationally recognised standards, Datacentrix gives its employees the necessary tools and guidelines to perform at their best.
New ISO certifications vital for providing mature service offering, says DatacentrixDatacentrix Chief Financial, Risk and Compliance Officer, Elizabeth Naidoo.
“One of the primary benefits of these certifications is that, by adhering to these internationally recognised standards, the organisation is providing its employees with the necessary tools and guidelines to perform at their best levels. “Moreover, ISO 9000 certification underscores quality management principles, enabling Datacentrix employees to understand and streamline processes, enhance efficiencies and deliver high-quality services to our clients,” she continues. “By adhering to these standards, staff members can better understand their roles and responsibilities within the organisation, leading to improved performance and productivity.
“Lastly, ISO 45000 certification focuses on occupational health and safety management, ensuring the well-being of our people. It is Datacentrix’s responsibility, as an employer, to look after our staff. By prioritising health and safety measures, we create a supportive and conducive work environment where employees – whether based at one of our own offices, or on a customer site, like a mine, for instance – feel valued and protected.