Defined curls and a large cup of Folgers
, a romantic comedy that debuted at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival.which is written by Nicholas Stoller and Billy Eichner, featured an entirely LGBTQ principal cast, who are all entirely hilarious.No need to go at the internet alone. We test products, interview pros and do what’s required to get you unbiased, unadulterated, unsponsored recommendations. We’re a weekly newsletter, a cool one. Talk Thursdays.
Please try againWorking with that funny cast was Jones’ favourite thing about filming the movie. “We’d say the dialogue but also improvise quite a bit and it was hilarious,” said Jones. Postmedia connected with Jones to find out a little bit more about her experience withFolgers on drip and lipstick for the road,These are a few of Dot-Marie Jones’ favourite things.