Pundits on MSNBC and CNN have strained to compare Ukraine being invaded by Russia to domestic issues such as voter ID laws, but critics feel it’s “a disservice” to both Americans and Ukrainians.
You can now listen to Fox News articles!bombed and killedUkraine has been devastated since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion that has resulted in civilian deaths, destruction of cities and over 1.7 million refugees as women and children attempt to flee the war-torn nation. While Ukrainians are fighting for their lives, some pundits have been equating literal war to things such as voting rights and the Jan 6 Capitol riot.
"This is an attempt by the far left to continue with the faulty narrative that our democracy is under attack. They make these comparisons because there are little to no Biden Administration victories to highlight, so they are trying to win midterms by keeping Jan. 6 and voting laws in the news," Hallberg added."But it will be to their own detriment as the American people see very clearly what war is and what it isn’t.
MARIA BARONOVA FEARS ‘WE’RE ON THE BRINK OF A NUCLEAR WAR’ AFTER QUITTING RUSSIAN STATE-RUN MEDIA OVER UKRAINE"The end of the speech was about American values just as it was in the beginning when he was talking about Ukraine and Biden wanting to make the point that American unity is one of the things that he was elected to foster is still on the agenda," CNN senior political correspondent Abby Phillip said.
"He did not mention the January 6 insurrection," Reid added."If you want to talk about a profound hit to our democracy, there’s nothing more profound than a violent physical attack on the very building he's standing in. That did not make it into the speech, I found that interesting." On Sunday, NBC’s Chuck Todd also dinged Biden for failing to make the comparison during his first State of the Union.
"We have to address the question of what's happening across the country in terms of the assault on voting rights. And we would also have to address the illiberal forces within our country that are driving the challenge to voter rights. So I didn't understand it and I thought it was a mistake," Glaude said. "I'm curious, you know, to me, this moment of Bloody Sunday and what we're seeing in Europe, there is a connection.