Good morning L.A. ☀️ Here's what you need to know today.
On a recent visit to the new 6th Street bridge, several cyclists opted for the pedestrian walkways along the viaduct rather than the bike lanes.THREE - Little Miss Trendy By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the Little Miss and Mr. memes . Now we have some memes specific to L.A.TWO - BiCoastal Love…or Disrespect?
Okay, I need all my people who have lived on BOTH coasts to stand up for me. By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the maps of Los Angeles and what boroughs on the east coast best represent areas in L.A. Well, there’s one guy on Instagram who thinks he has it all figured out. I tend to stay out of these conversations, because I simply don’t believe that you can compare any place in L.A. to places in NYC .I just told you the 6th Street Viaduct was shut down AGAIN because of some crazy high jinks.
Got something you’ve always wanted to know about Southern California and the people who call it home? Is there an issue you want us to cover?