Chicago police are using cold hard cash to get guns off the streets.
The Chicago Police Department is using cold hard cash to get guns off the street. CPD held a gun buy back event Saturday afternoon at Saint Sabina Church.
Father Michael Pfleger said since 2006, more than 30,000 guns have been turned in. By 11:30 Saturday morning, 150 guns were dropped off. "A gun in every scenario makes it more dangerous, potential for escalated violence to include losing a life," said CPD Supt. David Brown. "The gun belonged to my deceased husband, who was retired from the City of Chicago. He was the deputy commissioner for the City of Chicago, but he was also in law enforcement. So he had a lot of guns," she said."I really didn't see anyone that was like 30, 40 maybe even 50.
Lamiya Dean with the youth BRAVE leaders of St. Sabina says she's tired of seeing her friends and family get hurt from guns.