Tito and Pep, a midtown Tucson restaurant, has made the New York Times list of Top 50 nationwide restaurants of 2022.
Third-generation Tucsonan John Martinez is the owner and chef of the restaurant, which specializes in mesquite-fired cuisine. He said"it was amazing news to wake up to."
It's been a big year for Tito and Pep, and Martinez: He was also a semi-finalist for the 2022 James Beard Foundation's Best Chef in the Southwest Award. "What, you know, we're going for is really just having a place where people are happy to come in and eat doesn't have to be the most like posh, fine dining experience," said Martinez.
Tito and Pep is also known for its mid-century decor, one-of-a kind cocktails and a full-service beverage menu featuring locally brewed beer."You know, we certainly want to be a comfortable neighborhood place...representative [of] midtown Tucson, representative of our community and to have, you know publication like the New York Times kind of recognize what we do, recognize Tucson overall, and it kind of like you know, include us was just, it was phenomenal," Martinez said.