The Centers for Disease Control says drowning is a leading cause of accidental deaths in children ages one to 14.
Parents are instructed to watch their kids around water at all times, no matter how safe they believe their surrounding to be.could be the difference between life and death experts say.
Experts also don't recommend depending on regular floaties because they can be unreliable since they can deflate and slip off. Parents should also make sure their child knows what to do if they see something or someone fall in the pool. "Maybe a dog falls in the pool or maybe a toy falls in the pool something we want to teach kiddos is we throw we don't go. So we can throw something out to the person, the animal, the item but we never jump in ourselves," says Goldfish Swim School GM Elizabeth Markey.Colin's Hope was formed in 2008 after four-year-old Colin Holst tragically drowned in a public pool, with lifeguards on duty and family members present.