The tidewater goby, a protected species, has been found in water along the course. Now, organizers are trying to get a new course approved in time for the race.
We're less than two weeks away from the 38th annual Malibu Triathlon where 5,000 athletes are scheduled to participate.
"I was surprised that since the rains were when they were, that that hadn't been addressed until now," said Larry Turkheimer, who has been participating in the Malibu Triathlon for 15 years.& Harbors controls the underpass and because the Endangered Species Act protects the tidewater goby, the underpass won't be cleared in time for the race.
"There's absolutely ways around it. They close off PCH pretty much 100%, they could have adjusted to get this number of people across through other exists. There's not just one exit out of Zuma Beach," said Turkheimer. The city of Malibu released a statement Tuesday saying organizers are expected to file an appeal, which would be able to be heard by the city council during its Sept. 25 regular meeting.