East Bay Times Letters to the Editor for April 6, 2022
of the world’s energy. People who can afford an electric vehicle or don’t mind paying $6 a gallon for gas can say want they want to say, but for poorer communities, gas prices are a real hardship. What can they do? Work two jobs.
Forest fire pollution is a problem, and the government needs to do more to alleviate massive fires by thinning the forest. The government also needs to deal with coal-consuming countries like China, which usesLivermore School District students enjoy lab experiments in their bi-weekly, hands-on science classes. They learn about the elements of the scientific method by formulating a hypothesis, observing the interaction of the materials and measuring the impact of the interaction.
On the other hand, as a reader of this newspaper for 45 years, I never see conservatives suggest that liberals stop watching MSNBC, CNN or stop reading liberal columnists like Leonard Pitts.