The Moseley Green estate has been a source of controversy ever since it was first conceived
Leeds residents in an estate nicknamed ‘soggy bottom’ have decried how “nonsensical” the nickname is.
There were demonstrators out in force in picket lines with signs simply reading ‘soggy bottom’. A naked protest was even held by the Cookridge Residents Action Group. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will auto-play soon8Cancel Play now One resident, Mathew Lloyd, 48, has rubbished the notion he lives on a floodplain. He said: “I’d say it’s nonsense. It’s propaganda to prevent the expansion of the building development.”
“A lot of residents used this as their playing field with dog walking. On Facebook, people were saying ‘This is a floodplain, you shouldn’t be building there!’ You can appreciate they had a beautiful view outside their house and now they have a building development." "I’m pretty sure it was a floodplain as there were some concerns as we’ve got a load of flood defences built around here. I’m pretty sure there’s an underground reservoir and there’s a lot of gates.Harry even sees the nickname has become an affectionate and he uses it to describe where he lives. The 18-year-old chuckles: “When someone asks me where I live, I go in ‘soggy bottom, Cookridge’ and if they don’t where that is I just say the new estate in Cookridge.