“Putting it bluntly, we’ve been here before,” the chair of the council’s public safety committee said.
“Putting it bluntly, we’ve been here before,” said Charles Allen, chair of the committee on the judiciary and public safety, referring to past OUC oversight hearings where lawmakers discussed similar issues. “It’s about leadership and how the government needs to run.”, told listeners Wednesday about all that was lost when missteps at the 911 call center delayed an ambulance
“This has been horrible for me,” she said. “It has affected a whole family and a community and a city because so much more could have been given.”Aujah Griffin, whose dad David Griffin died in March after dispatchers initially classified the 911 call as non-urgent, said she has not received an explanation about why the response was not escalated.
In advance of the hearing, Allen said he asked OUC for timelines, transcripts and additional information for four separate incidents, in addition to the current status of the agency’s progress on each recommendation in the auditor’s report. He said he received no response.Advertisement