It might be wise to shop elsewhere for now.
But the two organizations are not going at it alone. Green America and EIA have called on consumers to, urging the grocery head to"set concrete commitments on phasing out HFCs from all stores, improving monitoring and repair of appliance leaks, and practicing responsible disposal of refrigerants to reduce emissions."
The letter, which is listed as a petition on the Action Network's website, already has 8,640 signatures out of its goal of 25,000."Kroger's investors are calling on the company to develop a plan to eliminate its use of HFCs. Friends Fiduciary filed a shareholder resolution with the company calling on it to act swiftly on HFCs. Now Kroger needs to hear from consumers as well," Green America and EIA explained.
to lower-GWP refrigerants. But according to the EIA and Green American, Kroger has only currently committed to using non-HFC alternatives in seven new stores. There have been no plans issued for its nearly 2,800 stores that already exist."At this rate, it would take Kroger hundreds of years to move off HFCs," the two organizations warned."Kroger needs to adopt ultra-low GWP refrigeration at all of its nearly 2,800 stores by 2030.
"There is a global effort to phase down HFCs because of their potent climate impacts. It is incredibly shocking that a company like Kroger continues to rely on these obsolete climate destroying coolants when there are myriad other widely available and used HFC-free options,", the climate campaign lead at EIA, said in a statement."Kroger must commit to adopting ultra-low GWP refrigerants in all new stores and to share a plan to phase out use of HFCs by 2030.