Jujutsu Kaisen's newest chapter debuted Hakari's surprisingly intricate Domain Expansion:
✖ Jujutsu Kaisen has revealed Kinji Hakari's surprisingly complicated Domain Expansion technique with the newest chapter of the manga series! The Culling Game arc has shifted its focus to yet another main fighter following its focus on Yuji and the others as fans are now getting to see how Hakari has been handling his first major fights within the Tokyo No 2. Colony.
As Hakari's first real fight in the Culling Game begins, he found himself up against the manga artist Charles Bernard. This new fighter has a strange ability that allows him to see a few seconds into the future, and Hakari found himself already struggling against this new opponent as Bernard was able to counter each one of his physical attacks.
— ayti💬 May 8, 2022 While previous chapters of the series had teased that Hakari's Cursed Technique had to do with opening and closing subway doors, it turns out that Chapter 183 expands that with a Domain Expansion that takes these subway doors to a whole new level. By injecting it with his usual love of gambling, his Domain Expansion actually follows the rules of a pachinko machine.
Matching certain characters gives him certain boosts, and he's trying to get a jackpot for the full one-hit kill nature of Domain Expansions overall. It's revealed that Hakari himself has such good luck he's never had to make over 30 rolls , and the final moments of the chapter see this reflected with a projection of the pachinko machine playing out a major moment from the manga's subway influenced story.
0commentsIt's a wildly complicated technique, and fit for a series like this that's only further making even more complicated techniques as the Culling Game continues.